Parents/guardians or Students with provided VPC, ID, and TL information in hand can go to the Parent Portal .net website and click on the Create New Account link. This will take the parent or student through the Registration Process.
During this process, the individual will be asked for their Account Type, Parent or Student. There is no way to prevent students from being able to create accounts as long as parents can create accounts. Students will eventually end up acquiring the VPC, ID, and TL from their parents and will try to sign up for an account of their own. Giving students the option to sign up as students will actually discourage them from signing up as parents. It will not prevent students from registering as parents but will help minimize the occurrences.
Next the parent or student will be prompted for an email address and a password to use for their new account.
After that step, an email will be sent to that email address and the registration process will be halted until they go to their email inbox and click a Confirm link in the email that was sent.
The person can either click on the Confirm or Reject links or, if the links are not active, they can manually go to the URL specified and manually confirm or reject the account.
If they click on the Confirm link, the following webpage will be displayed and they can continue with the registration process.
The registration process will continue with the parent entering in the VPC, ID, & TL for the student they wish to gain access to. If those 3 pieces of information are verified against a STU record in the database, this account will be associated with that student.
The next step in the registration process for parent accounts is listing of every CON record for that student and a prompt for "Which Record Represents You?"
When selected, the account email address will populate the contact record (CON.EM) if blank or overwrite the existing email address on the contact record. Once overwritten, an email will be sent to the old email address informing the owner that the email address stored in Aeries has changed and that if there is concern about this change, they should contact the school.
Now that the account is created and associated, the parent or student can use the login page to login to the system and view the information about their associated student.